The Evolving Landscape of Entrepreneurship: Assessing the Impact of Digital Technologies
The global landscape of entrepreneurship has been altered profound and in many ways by the rapid adoption and integration of digital technologies. This paper researches the various ways digital technologies have and are impacting entrepreneurship, including an emphasis on the dynamic interplay between innovation, business models, and policy. From the disruptive effects of digital technologies on traditional entrepreneurial underpinnings, to the newfound access to entrepreneurial opportunities by startups and small business, this paper investigates the key aspects of that transformation. It continues with a discussion of how established enterprise is strategically embracing digital technologies in their efforts to transform their companies, and offers up some discussion on the implications for policy makers in their efforts to foster an environment conducive to innovation. By discussing the future trends and challenges in this area, this research offers a comprehensive research for the contemporary entrepreneurial landscape, and offers up insights for stakeholders interested in making the entrepreneurial and digital technology space.
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