Teaching Practices for English Pronunciation among Higher Secondary Students at District Kotli

  • Samia
  • Imran
  • Tehsin
  • Babar
Keywords: Pronunciation, Teaching practices, Higher secondary


The primary goal of teaching and learning English is to enable students to communicate effectively. Teachers place a strong emphasis on vocabulary and grammar, and pronunciation is kept at low priority. This study analyzed the current status of English pronunciation among students and identified common pronunciation errors. This study was descriptive in nature, and the target population consisted of students at nineteen public higher secondary schools in the district of Kotli. Keeping in view the location and situation at LOC, only thirteen schools were found accessible. A sample of 325 students enrolled in 12th grade was considered for data collection. A self-developed questionnaire for students titled “Challenges and Complications in English Pronunciation Questionnaire (CCIEPQ)” was used, comprising three main categories of challenges, support, and teaching practices for English pronunciation. Pilot testing was done on twenty students and validity was improved by experts’ opinion. The reliability of the questionnaire was determined by Cronbach alpha and found to be 0.960. For data collection the researcher personally visited schools of district Kotli AJ&K with the prior permission of the concerned administration. It was found that students faced many difficulties to pronounce particular words or phrases correctly, cultural and regional factors also influenced their pronunciation. Teachers have great classroom teaching practices for clear and consistent pronunciation by providing feedback and correction is crucial for students' progress important Regular practice and repetition helps to improve pronunciation skills. It was concluded that teachers possessed a solid foundation in language instruction, but they neglected to appropriately implement these strategies in their classroom instruction. It is recommended that English language learning be made easier for students by encouraging perfect context in the english books, integrate technology, utilize pronunciation apps or online tools for additional practice.
