Genderwise Perspective of Students’ Mathematics Related Beliefs at Secondary Level
Mathematics related belief with respect to the gender at secondary level schools has been the focus of this study. The study targeted the investigation of answers to these questions; What are students’ mathematics related beliefs at secondary level?, What are students’ mathematics related beliefs in context of teacher’s instruction?, What is the comparison of students’ mathematics related beliefs gender wise? & What is the interaction effect between genders in mathematics related beliefs? For data collection 400 students were selected using retrospective questionnaires in district Buner. Questionnaire was developed by the researcher in order to collect data from the respondents. The collected data were fed to the SPSS version 17 for analysis purposes. ANOVA test was applied in order to ascertain the gender-wise comparison between the study’s variables. A number of learners’ problem solving strategies that reflected their general behavior in non-routine mathematical problem solving were identified, that include in systematic guess, check and revise; systematic guess, check and revise; trial-and-error; systematic listing; looking for a pattern; making a model; and considering a simple case. A weak positive linear relationship between learners’ mathematics-related belief systems and their approaches to non-routine problem solving was discovered.
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