The Relative Importance of Various Levels of Influences of Hierarchy of Influence Model across Provincesof Pakistan
This study examines the difference as perceived by the journalists on the relative importance of various levels of influences of Hierarchy of influence model across provinces”. To serve this purpose, a comparison of different levels of influences is performed. Different levels of influence can have an impact on a journalist and his/her output (news/media content). The study hypothesizes that “there is difference as perceived by the journalists on the relative importance of various levels of influences of Hierarchy of influence model across provinces”. Based on the findings, it is concluded that journalists' reporting in war zones is influenced at all levels. However, the ideological level is the most powerful in influencing journalists' reportage in war zones. Hence, we accept the hypothesis 2 that “there is difference as perceived by the journalists on the relative importance of various levels of influences of Hierarchy of influence model across conflict zones”. However, at the same time, we reject hypothesis 1 that “The individual and routine level influences are perceived stronger by the journalist as compared to other influences in conflict reporting”.
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