Dark Tourism Potential in Pakistan: Tourist Motivation and Visit Intention
This study aims to understand tourist behavior and intentions towards dark tourism by utilizing the Theory of Planned Behavior with the combination of the Dark Tourism construct, which can help develop marketing strategies and improve the visitor experience for dark-tourism destinations of Pakistan. Based on a questionnaire filled by 400 respondents, the quantitative approach reveals that educated people and women know more about dark Tourism. This study aims to give valuable insights into the relationship between the Theory of Planned Behavior and dark tourism constructs by providing a baseline for further research. However, the study's limitations include the use of self-reporting participants and the lack of consideration for specific dark tourism destinations, which should be considered when interpreting the results. Future research can be done by incorporating other factors that influence tourist behavior and intentions toward dark tourism, such as the cultural and historical significance of the destination, and by expanding the study to include a more diverse sample population.
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