Review of the Impacts of Code-Switching on Writing Skill of English Language Learners
The controversy surrounding code-switching began in the early nineteen century. Several studies have been conducted to look into the operation of code-switching. Regarding code-switching and the purpose for which it is employed. Nevertheless, there has not been much research done on the topic of code-switching as a writing skill teacher, particularly for Pakistan students. The study aimed to investigate that What kinds of code-switching are there, and how does it work in English language teaching, how do educators feel about using code-switching to instruct English language learning students, and how much does code-switching get used when teaching writing to English Language Learners. The results of this study demonstrate that code-switching is a common and beneficial strategy that helps students to learn new concepts in an easy way and assist teachers in making their points more clear. In fact, code-switching can help teachers avoid misunderstandings when presenting instructional contents. Further research is necessary to validate the use of code-switching in writing skill teaching
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