This study aimed to investigate the impact of workforce diversity on employee performance in the private banking industry. The study sample consisted of 180 employees from private banks located in Haripur, KP-Pakistan. The study investigated the impact of various forms of diversity, including gender, age, education background, experience, and marital status, on employee performance. The results of the study showed that there is a positive relationship between workforce diversity and employee performance in the banking industry. Specifically, gender diversity, age diversity, education background, experience, and marital status were all found to have a significant positive impact on employee performance. These findings suggest that promoting diversity and inclusion in the workforce can led to positive outcomes for both employees and organizations in the banking industry. The study provides recommendations for organizations, policy makers and practitioners to promote diversity and inclusion in their workforce, including creating diverse teams, providing diversity training, and measuring diversity and performance. Overall, this study contributes to the growing body of research on the impact of workforce diversity on employee performance and provides valuable insights for organizations in the banking industry especially in Haripur banking sector.
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