Role of Justice in Implementation of Organizational Change and the Effect of Resistance to Change on Job Commitment: A Case Study of PTCL
This study aims to examine, perception of employees regarding organizational justice in relations with job commitment in an organizational change situation, especially when the employees show resistance towards the proposed change. Quantitative research methodology is used for the execution of this study, where responses from 140 employees of PTCL across ten major cities of the country were collected through pre-structured questionnaires. Exploratory factor analysis & multiple regression analysis were employed for the study. SPSS data analysis tool is used for the evaluation of these responses, which is then followed by detailed discussion over the results of the statistical evaluation. The results of this study partially supported the conceptual framework because it has strongly rejected the hypothesis related to the mediating role of behavioral resistance in establishing relationship between organizational justice and job commitment, while supporting the other two hypotheses. Finally, at the end certain limitations and future implications of the study are provided for the use of future researchers in evaluation of the subject matter in future.
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