The Impact of Organizational Learning Capabilities on Business Model Innovation: Evidences from SMEs
In the current dynamic economic environment Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are essential for stimulating innovation and economic growth. SMEs in Kabul, however, have faced challenges in promoting company innovation and adjusting to the changing market conditions. This study looks into the connection between business model innovation (BMI) and organizational learning capabilities (OLC) among Kabul's SMEs. The study discovers a strong positive correlation between OLC and BMI using a survey questionnaire given to SMEs and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS SEM) analysis. More specifically, BMI is more likely to be exhibited by SMEs with higher OLC levels, highlighting the need of fostering learning-oriented company cultures and practices. The results highlight how crucial OLC is to helping SMEs negotiate the intricacies of the market, spot new opportunities, and creatively modify their business models. Policymakers, business executives, and practitioners can benefit from the study's findings, which include solutions for promoting OLC and increasing BMI in Kabul's SME sector.
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