Effects Of Sports Activities On Students’ Learning At Secondary Level
The purpose of the study was to find out the Effects of sports Activities on the Students’ Learning at Secondary Level. The following study's objectives were examined: (1) To investigate sports activities at Secondary Level; (2) To find out the effects of sports activities on students’ motivation in learning at Secondary level. The subsequent inquiries for research were employed: (1) What are the sports activities at Secondary Level? (2) What are the effects of sports activities on students’ motivation in learning at Secondary level? This study project's exclusive focus was the District Mardan public secondary schools that cater to female students. The population of the research study consisted of all the female students enrolled in public secondary schools in Mardan (EMIS, 2019). The sample consisted of (375) female students from Mardan. (Krejcie & Morgan, 1970) The sample was selected at random. A closed-ended survey was created to gather the data. The research protocol was followed exactly at every stage. Data was gathered using the sample as a basis. After being tallied, the collected data was examined using percentages. There were conclusions, findings, and recommendations. After careful consideration, it was determined that participating in sports improves kids' academic performance and enriches their lives in all respects. In order to maintain a healthy society, it is advised that sports be encouraged both inside and outside of schools.
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